After seven years, Emily, co-founder of Unity Effect, is leaving the core team and moving back to her home country of Australia. Carla and Emily took a moment to sit down together with a hot cup of tea to look at the transitions we are facing.
Carla: So, Emily, here we are. I still can’t quite believe you’re leaving the team after all these years. It’s such a big moment, for you and for all of us.
Emily: I know – it feels surreal. Unity Effect has been part of my life for seven years. A few years ago I wouldn’t have believed for a second that I would be leaving! I thought Unity Effect and I would grow old together. But going back to Australia feels right. It’s what I want and what my family needs. But it doesn’t mean that I’m not sad.
Carla: That makes so much sense, and I admire you for following that intuition. At the same time, I can’t help but feel the magnitude of this transition. You’ve been such a steady presence, even when we’ve had so much change.
Emily: We’ve definitely seen our share of change! From the early days of being a non-profit organisation to founding a company and becoming a social enterprise. Then having different team members joining our team and leaving again. I remember us in our old co-working space all working in one room, then we shifted to having our own office, and now being a fully remote team – it’s been quite a journey. And this last year and a half has brought a whole new kind of shift.
Carla: You mean the transition wave?
Emily: Yes! I guess it was kind of inevitable when you start a company with a group of late-20s/early 30-year-olds. I knew we’d all be starting families at some point, but it’s been amazing to see how it’s reshaped our team. Suddenly, we’ve gone from three full-time co-founders to part-timers juggling babies, work, and life – and we’re still here! And we’ve also grown our team with Johannes, Laila and you on board.
Carla: It’s been wild, hasn’t it? But I think one of the things that’s kept us grounded is how we’ve created space for all of that. You’ve built a team culture from the start where it’s okay to embrace the fullness of life – whether that’s family, studies, or other passion projects. One thing that’s stood out to me through all these transitions is how important it’s been to keep coming back to the essence of what we’re doing.
Emily: Absolutely. Especially with team members stepping in and out, it’s been key to have clarity about our purpose and what we’re offering.
Carla: And making sure there’s space for each person to be a Source in their area. That’s been such a game-changer – letting people really own what they’re passionate about, while adapting to the capacities we have.
Emily: Totally. That’s what has made stepping back now feel okay for me. Unity Effect isn’t about any one of us specifically; it’s about this collective vision we’ve all contributed to. Even with all three co-founders stepping back at different points, there’s always been someone holding the thread, keeping things moving. That connection to purpose has been our anchor. And we’ve built such strong foundations – like our weekly check-ins and monthly team time – that help keep things steady.
Carla: Those rituals have been a lifesaver for me. And it was wonderful being able to integrate more embodiment into them, like our little celebration check-outs at the end of each weekly meeting. It’s a small thing, but it makes such a difference to have that regular moment to connect and laugh.
Emily: Definitely. It’s not just about the structure itself but the intention behind it – making space to connect, check in, and keep moving together. I think that’s been especially important this year, with so much change happening.
Carla: And I think we’ve done a good job of honouring those changes, too. Whether it’s celebrating someone’s new baby or recognising when it’s time for a transition, we’ve learned to hold those moments with care.
Emily: Yeah, and not every transition is like a perfectly wrapped-up gift. Sometimes things stay open-ended, and that’s okay, too. I’ve been thinking a lot about the concept of Source in that way. It’s not just about handing over tasks, to-dos, and the operational side of an area, but also sharing the essence of a project so the next person can carry it forward in their own way.
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Carla: That’s been so key for us. And I think we’ve all seen how different people bring different energy at different times. Just like how we try to work with the cycles we are moving through, not against them.
Emily: That’s been so grounding for me, too. Knowing that there are different phases – times for laying foundations, for building, for harvesting what we’ve planted, and other times for just putting our heads down and getting things done.
Carla: Yeah, like our cosy composting ceremonies or rocking relay rounds – Oh my god, we’re so obsessed with alliterations!
Emily: True! I guess those rituals help us make intentional choices about where we put our energy, rather than just rushing from one thing to the next. It’s like planning with the rhythm of life in mind, rather than trying to push through it. And that’s definitely been a team effort. And honestly, that’s what makes me feel at peace stepping back. I know Unity Effect is bigger than any one person, and it’s in good hands.
Carla: You’ve given so much, Emily. I’ll miss having you here day to day, but I know this isn’t really goodbye – you’ll always be part of Unity Effect.
Emily: Thank you, Carla. It’s been such an incredible journey, and I’m so grateful for everything we’ve created together.
Carla: Me, too. And we’ll keep building on what you’ve started. Here’s to celebrating this transition and all the new possibilities ahead – for you and for Unity Effect.
Monday every week, 1 hour
Meeting with the whole team to plan for the week and find a personal intention. At the end there’s time for specific discussions on topics which have come up in the Weekly.
Wednesday every week (still called Daily, as we used to do it every day), 30 minutes
Checking in and coordinating/adjusting tasks if necessary.
Every 4 to 6 weeks, 1 hour
Coming together as a team and holding space for what’s present and things we want to do together. This can be games, someone talking about another passion project, celebrating a jubilee, a baby, a milestone … It’s time we create to be together.
Every 2 to 3 months, 1 hour
Every 2 to 3 months, we reflect on our previous relay round and plan for the next one ahead. It gives us time to consciously choose the direction we want to grow in and plan accordingly.
Every 2 to 3 months, 1 hour
Sometimes you need to let go of things: projects, ideas, but also data which is still floating around in our cloud. For all the different things you can (metaphorically) compost, we created this ritual.
We’d love to hear how you handle transitions and find out how we can support you. There are different ways you can engage with us, such as: