Meet all our Journey Guides

We got all our journey guides here. Get some first impression of them an feell free to reach out to us for further information.
Johannes Hochholzer
Facilitator, Unity Effect team member and Journey Guide. Consultant for team and organisational development.
Matthias Fecht
Head of Human Resources, Forest Stewardship Council International. My mission is to learn how the inner workings of our mind influence our behavior and decisions and how we can use this to become happier and better at what we do.
Svenja Jesumann
Life Explorer, Human Interactions Manager, Free Spirit, Journey Guide. My purpose: creating an environment for inspiring, healthy, mature human interactions.
Linda Wagner
Excited about sustainability and personal empowerment, grateful for nature's beauty and supportive networks, Journey Guide.
Marina Lynch
Participatory leadership practitioner & coach, Flow Game host, Process designer, Journey Guide. My purpose: creating space for authentic conversations and (personal) leadership to flourish.
Vera Janke
Career & Life Coach, Listening Adventurer, Journey Guide. My purpose: Bringing more listening into the world. One conversation at a time.
Sabrina Meissel
Systemic & animal assisted Coach, Facilitator, HR Manager, Journey Guide. My purpose: creating safe spaces for people to be their best self.
Franziska Kohn
Facilitator, co-founder of Unity Effect, Journey Guide. My purpose: People stepping into their potential. Passionate about personal development and leadership.
Emily Johnston
Facilitator, co-founder of Unity Effect, Journey Guide. Deeply passionate about guiding group processes and empowering people to connect with their purpose and leadership potential.
Clemens Binder
Freelancer with Unity Effect, Journey Guide. Holding spaces, building bridges and inspiring people to realise what makes them come alive. Passionate about networks and social change.
Jannik Kaiser
Co-founder of Unity Effect & Journey Guide. Passionate about co-creating spaces for transformative change. Eternal optimist and talented in telling unfunny jokes.
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Our Portfolio

Over the years we have been collaborating with many organisations, foundations and networks who are contributing to a just and thriving future. We hope you find these projects as inspiring as we do! To explore how we can support your work, please reach out to us.

Learning & Experience Design Projects

Kofi Annan Foundation

Design and facilitation of online and in-person modules for the Changemakers Initiative

The mission of the Kofi Annan Foundation, established in 2007 by the late former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, is to help build peaceful, democratic and resilient societies. Since 2022, Unity Effect has worked with the foundation to design, facilitate and evaluate their Changemakers Initiative: a year-long program that brings together 12 selected young changemakers online and in person in Geneva, Switzerland. 

The collaboration includes support with the overall design and flow of the program and individual modules, to facilitate peer exchange, moderate dialogue sessions with senior leaders, and guide the group through the in-person week. 

Combined with our support in evaluating the program, we see ourselves not only as service providers to the foundation, but also as thought partners in further developing the program and its alumni community, jointly working towards a shared purpose. 

The Kofi Annan Changemakers online and in-person modules greatly benefited from Unity Effect’s expertise in designing and facilitating effective conversations among the participants. Unity Effect’s facilitation helped build a safe space and nurture a sense of community among the participants, acting like the glue across the different components of the programme.

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Corinne Momal-Vanian

Executive Director, Kofi Annan Foundation

International Labour Organization (ILO)

Kick-starting the Skills Innovation Network

Between 2020 and 2022, we guided and supported the Skills branch of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in initiating and establishing their Skills Innovation Network. This network is rooted in the ILO’s Challenge Calls, which reward teams across the globe who have promising solutions for skills development. A central pillar is continuous support and participation in the global Skills Innovation Network.

Unity Effect has supported the ILO both in this network’s early beginnings and in its further establishment. This has included co-developing a network charter, creating a network visualisation, and hosting network gatherings and peer-exchange formats, as well as creating relevant resources for network members. One of our core intentions was to enable the ILO team to fully assume the role of network hosts, which is why internal capacity building has been part of the project from the early stages onwards.



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German Development Cooperation (GIZ)

GIZ’s Academy for International Cooperation: Scaling peer learning within a global organisation

The German Development Cooperation GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂŒr Internationale Zusammenarbeit) is a key player in the global development sector. Around 25,000 people work for GIZ on topics such as good governance, biodiversity and gender equality. To enable a participatory and bottom-up approach to organisational learning, GIZ’s internal Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ) engaged Unity Effect in 2022. The centrepiece of our work is the development and piloting of “Learning Circles”: a modular and scalable approach to setting up peer-learning formats.

Unity Effect’s contribution has been to design the overall methodology and structure, facilitate Learning Circles, provide guidance materials, and set up the general communication with participants. All of this served the purpose of supporting organisational learning in a dynamically changing working environment by fostering target-oriented peer-learning formats. 

Together with the Unity Effect team, we piloted the ‘Learning Circle’ peer-learning format with very diverse target groups in 2023. Their broad wealth of experience and great reliability and flexibility to adapt to ever-new contexts were hugely enriching, both for us in the collaboration and for the Learning Circle participants.

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Academy for International Cooperation

German Development Cooperation (GIZ)

German Development Cooperation (GIZ)

Reducing Inequalities Worldwide – interactive learning sessions

Our collaboration with GIZ – the German Development Cooperation – on their global project on Reducing Inequalities Worldwide began in 2020. We guided the design and facilitation of a training program for policy makers and interactive learning sessions through to early 2024. 

The training program was originally planned as a one-week in-person format. Due to the pandemic, however, we helped the team to host it instead as a 12-week online program that combined peer learning with expert knowledge and its transfer to participants’ daily work. Due to its success, the GIZ team decided to retain the online format even after the pandemic. 

The goal of the interactive learning sessions was to build up, strengthen and develop knowledge on reducing inequalities: participants jointly learned and delved into the concept of inequality and country-specific trends and drivers, as well as inequality reduction policies.

The two different formats – training program and interactive learning sessions – provided crucial elements in empowering policy makers across the globe to connect, share knowledge, and strategically drive the topic of inequalities forward within their context. 

In very challenging times, the global project on Reducing Inequalities Worldwide had to change its implementation logic from ‘on the ground’ to ‘digital only’. Together with Unity Effect, we were able to develop several meaningful and results-oriented digital formats. This collaboration enabled us to avoid various pitfalls and deliver the project as planned, and to explore how to strategically integrate online formats into our work.

Name Surname

Global Project on Reducing Inequalities Worldwide

German Development Cooperation (GIZ)

Network of European Foundations

Strengthening learning and cross-fertilisation

The Network of European Foundations (NEF) engaged Unity Effect in autumn 2023 to analyse the organisation’s current learning model and make recommendations on ways to strengthen it. 

NEF is an association of leading European foundations dedicated to strengthening philanthropic cooperation in the areas of democracy, social inclusion and international development. At the heart of NEF's work are their collaborative projects: pooled funds where multiple foundations work together for a shared purpose. Hosting multiple collaborative projects puts NEF in a unique position to enable and facilitate learning and cross-fertilisation across projects and foundations. 

With the intention of holistically and pragmatically integrating learning into ongoing efforts, Unity Effect conducted interviews with key stakeholders and consolidated existing knowledge and documents. Our focus was to understand how learning happens at NEF and how to enhance it, as well as to identify enabling and blocking factors.

Working with Unity Effect allowed us to pause and reflect on how learning was already happening across our organisation, giving us an external perspective on our strengths and weaknesses. They provided useful recommendations based on their strong understanding of the role of a network. Unity Effect’s approach/methodology is interesting because it is pragmatic, based on ‘experiential learning’: thanks to this, they could easily relate to our context and come up with robustly grounded analysis.

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Peggy Sailler

Executive Director, Network of European Foundations

ASI Assurance Services International

Team retreats and working with the Senior Management Team

Since 2021, we have been working with Assurance Services International (ASI), both on an organisational level and with their Senior Management Team (SMT). ASI is an assurance partner for leading sustainability standards and initiatives with the mission to safeguard the credibility of sustainability initiatives by providing global assurance services. 

ASI is an international organisation with team members based all over the world. The annual team retreats serve as a space to meet in person, connect, discuss relevant topics and make joint decisions. The role of Unity Effect has been to support conceptualising and planning for the retreat, as well as facilitating and bringing in thematic expertise. One agreed intention was also to share our knowledge and build the capacities internally within ASI to host and facilitate the retreats. 

Our work with the Senior Management Team encompasses moderating regular retreats (in person and online), both to support internal alignment and to work on key strategic areas of the organisation. This has included facilitating retrospectives and meetings on HR- and business development-related topics – balancing time for joint sense-making, knowledge-sharing and decision-making. 

We have been working with the Unity Effect team effortlessly during the Senior Management Team and Global Team retreats. Over the years, they have supported us in bringing together our team, finding better ways to connect, discussing relevant issues, and finding solutions with professionalism and creativity.

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Catalina Romero

Deputy Managing Director of ASI Assurance Services International

Recent case studies

Digital and hybrid formats

From 2021 to 2023, Unity Effect facilitated more than 2,300 hours in around 140 projects. Many of these projects were interactive online and hybrid formats that we co-developed together with our partners and clients. Examples include:

Working with so many different organisations from diverse sectors has both enabled us to understand the depth of inclusive and participatory design in online and hybrid formats, while also building up sector- and context-specific knowledge. We’ve made some of those insights available in our resources and consolidated them in our Living Library.

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Thriving Teams & Leaders Projects


Capacity building

FLOCERT is the independent Fairtrade Certification body offering Fairtrade certification services to clients in more than 120 countries. The collaboration between FLOCERT and Unity Effect dates back to 2018. Since then, we have continued to support FLOCERT in the areas of teamwork, leadership and organisational development through: 

  • the conceptualisation and development of a new service portfolio, implemented via OKR methodology
  • consultation to set up a new approach and unit for system-wide innovation and service development
  • designing and facilitating a workshop on “giving and receiving feedback” for auditors

Additionally, several employees have joined our Leadership Journey. Working with different units across the years has enabled us to gain an in-depth understanding of FLOCERT’s work, and we are well placed to respond quickly and effectively to arising needs.

It is fantastic working with an organization that knows us so well and can jump on board smoothly. Unity Effect has added real value from minute 1 to all projects.

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Ruth Fernandez Audera



Systemic Onboarding for senior leaders

We support Helga BrĂŒggemann (Systemische Beratung DĂŒsseldorf) in hosting bi-annual training for senior leaders joining Bosch. Over two days onsite at the Bosch headquarters, we provide background information on the onboarding process from a systemic perspective, facilitate exercises, invite guest speakers, and most importantly: create a space for participants to connect with each other and build peer relationships. 

The training is part of Bosch’s overall hiring and leadership strategy, and we are delighted to work with such an expert on the topic. Helga published her book on onboarding in 2020, which also marked the beginning of our collaboration. The virtual book launch that we hosted together won “Innovator of the Year” award, and was the first opportunity to bring our complementary experiences together. 

I’ve enjoyed an excellent working relationship with Jannik Kaiser over the years on this program for Bosch. This reliable cooperation exemplifies the perfect fit between our complementary experiences and backgrounds.

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Helga BrĂŒggemann

Systemische Beratung DĂŒsseldorf


Thematic consultancy

The association migration_miteinander was founded in April 2017 by a group of young people united in the goal of forging cooperation between migrants and local populations, and of promoting a Europe based on solidarity and mutual support. 

Unity Effect has supported the organisation through thematic consultancy, including: 

  • Improving the onboarding process for new team members (in particular with the shift towards hybrid teamwork).
  • Assessing internal meeting structures and processes, as well as general communication, in order to make recommendations and work on underlying challenges. 
  • Setting up a structure for employee appraisals and feedback conversations, namely: clarifying their purpose and underlying intention, embedding the structure in the internal capacity development approach, sharing relevant methods, developing customised materials and guidelines, and supporting implementation. 

Golde Ebding, member of the executive board, also joined our Leadership Journey.

Thanks to that, for myself I now perceive leadership as the gift and sign of confidence that it is and am happy to assume this role in my organization. We as a team could already implement new structures and tools that help us to grow together and to create a work environment in which we feel safe enough to be ourselves and to bring in all our resources and ideas.

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Golde Ebding

Managing board member, migration_miteinander e.V.

Recent case studies

Capacity-building formats for teams and organisations

Over the years, we have worked with a wide range of organisations sharing a passion for contributing to a better world. Further examples of capacity-building formats we have provided for clients and partners include: 

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Regenerative Measurement & Evaluation Projects

Social Entrepreneurship Network Germany

Impact evaluation of grant for inclusive entrepreneurship

In 2022, the Social Entrepreneurship Network Germany (SEND e.V.) received a grant from to “create new standards for an inclusive social enterprise sector in Germany”. The main pillars of the project are (1) setting up local chapters, (2) initiating and strengthening the Meta Actor Network (MAN), and (3) redistributing funds to organisations that implement support programs for social entrepreneurs from disadvantaged groups. Unity Effect’s role is to evaluate the entire project. Final and public results (in the form of a report) can be expected in early summer 2024.

The approach we apply is highly participatory, drawing on our Impact Garden and other practices from “Regenerative Measurement & Evaluation”. Our shared goal is not only to demonstrate changes, but also to develop the internal evaluation capacities of SEND e.V. and key stakeholders, foster dialogues about key insights, and indicate pathways forward for the sector. As such, the process of evaluating the project empowers actors to create a truly inclusive social entrepreneurial sector.

With Unity Effect, we have a partner who understands our approach very well and with whom we can tackle impact measurement and management (IMM) for our project in an agile and adaptive way. The regenerative impact measurement approach in particular fits very well with our vision at SEND e.V. Through close collaboration with Unity Effect and their outstanding support, we can learn a lot ourselves to build our own competence and expertise in the IMM area!

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Martha Marik

Project Manager, SEND e.V.

Kofi Annan Foundation

Measuring ethical leadership

Unity Effect has been working with the Kofi Annan Foundation since June 2022, both designing and facilitating online and in-person sessions for the Changemakers Initiative, and evaluating the impact of the program. A more in-depth case study on the first year’s evaluation is available here. 

A key intention is rooted in our regenerative approach to measurement and evaluation: empowering participants and deepening the experience of the program. This is why coaching calls with the changemakers and an annual report with key insights and recommendations are at the heart of our collaboration. Working together across the years has enabled us to gain an in-depth understanding of the Kofi Annan Foundation’s work, build trust, and contribute in a meaningful way to the improvement of the Changemakers Initiative. 

Building on the benefits of the impact evaluation Unity Effect conducted for the programme in 2022, the organizing team pursued a similar analysis for its 2023 edition. This continuation permitted us to identify common trends and build on key recommendations, whilst also preserving the uniqueness of each edition and participant. The team continues to rely on Unity Effect’s expertise to adapt future editions.

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Linda Peterhans

Programme Manager for Youth Leadership, Kofi Annan Foundation


Impact projects

FLOCERT and Unity Effect have been collaborating since 2018. One of their key working areas is impact evaluation. Since 2020, key projects and milestones have included: 

As well as bringing in our thematic expertise, we based all projects on the principles of participation and power-sharing. Here, we could draw on our experience in Learning Experience Design to create psychological safety and honest communication among all parties involved. 

Working with Unity Effect has been a huge support for us on many levels. Alongside a strong methodological foundation we can build on for years to come, the Unity Effect team has managed to bring cocoa farmers and supply chain actors together, facilitate crucial dialogues around shared and individual actors’ goals, and, as the title of the first year’s report suggests, build trust to create impact.

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David Castro

Service Coordination Unit Manager at FLOCERT

SINGA and Bosch Alumni Network

Rethinking Impact

In 2021, members of the Bosch Alumni Network initiated a series of workshops to bring representatives from academia and the social impact space together. The intention was to foster science-practitioner collaboration. And how well that worked! 

In our project “Rethinking Impact”, we collaborated with two researchers from the University of Delaware and Radboud University and a project leader from SINGA Deutschland. Jointly, we developed a methodology and assessed how social entrepreneurs perceive impact evaluation, and where leverage points are, in order to rethink impact evaluation to become more meaningful and relevant. 

To do so, we had the chance to engage with participants from SINGA’s project Shaping Inclusive Societies. Being together in person with the participants, we conducted focus group discussions, facilitated a workshop, and collected further data through surveys. 

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Unity Effect

Purpose Journey

At the start of 2023, around 40 participants joined our Purpose Journey: a six-week deep-dive into personal purpose and values, reconnecting with inspiration and finding clarity for the path ahead. 

To understand the impact of the Journey, we conducted a systematic evaluation based on our regenerative approach. You can read further details and insights in our blog article: “Leading change from the inside out: Evaluating the impact of our Purpose Journey”. 

A key takeaway was that, through our approach to and methodology for measuring inner capacity development, we were able to give language and words to the shifts that many could experience throughout the program, such as a deeper connection to oneself. Furthermore, we were able to show that these inner shifts significantly contributed to decisions and actions. 

All too often, creating impact is not about doing more, but doing things differently.

The Purpose Journey gave me time and space to slow down and reflect about my own sensemaking. In our fast-moving world, we often don't have that time. This is a space for that, guided so eloquently by Unity Effect.

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Agnes Meneses