Rethinking impact measurement

What difference could it make for you and your organisation if measurement and impact evaluation were to serve you and the people you work with? We invite you to step back, reflect on the role of measurement within your work, and to reconceptualise your own approach to it – in line with your values and purpose.

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Who is it for?

  • Team and organisational leaders who wish to approach measurement and impact evaluation from a regenerative paradigm 
  • Responsibles for internal change processes and within HR departments 

What’s included?

  • A guided process in your team or organisation to jointly make sense of measurement 
  • Access to Unity Effect’s models, templates and resources
  • Support in designing evaluation frameworks as well as processes and methods for data collection


Ranging from shorter and more intense processes (1-2 months) to longer-term support and guidance (1+ year) 

Expected Outcome

The core intention is to align all your measurement and evaluation practices with the purpose of your team’s or organisation’s work. This includes: 

  • Grounding all data collection activities to the values and principles dear to you 
  • Identifying ways to make measurement engaging, intuitive and relevant
  • Integrating inner dimensions and capacities into the evaluation

Our indicator for success in rethinking impact measurement is when your measurement processes and practices give more energy to people and your causes than they take. 

Book a call to learn more

Contact us to rethink how impact measurement could look like for you and your organisation or network.

Schedule a call

Our Approach

We have a bunch of resources and models in our back pocket. But what truly matters is listening to you, the meaning you find in your work, and the positive change you wish to help make. 

Out of that deeper understanding of your work we can adjust, let go of, and co-develop evaluation frameworks with meaningful metrics, as well as data collection methods embedded in your daily and strategic work. 

Our support in this exploration can range from shorter processes, where we facilitate those deeper conversations and share relevant models and resources with you, to longer-term guidance on implementing regenerative data collection within your organisation. 

In all cases, our underlying intention is for you to build up your internal capacities to rethink and remodel how you measure success. 

Reach out if this sparks your interest. 

The Unity Effect team offered an interactive workshop on impact measurement as part of our workshop series on social entrepreneurship. Designed as an introduction to the topic, they did a great job of conveying the theoretical building blocks and engaging participants through practical exercises. Impact measurement is a rather daunting topic for many. But thanks to Unity Effect, it became clear to participants why it is so relevant, how to put it into action and how to even have fun with it!

Ulrike Trenz

Ulrike Trenz

Impact Hub Ruhr

Jannik Kaiser from Unity Effect accepted the invitation to contribute in one of our global working groups with his expertise in impact measurement. He contributed with developing a methodological framework which links farm-level metrics with the SDGs. Not only was he very attentive, constructive and supportive in internal discussions, he also managed to present a highly complex subject in an accessible and concise manner to a global audience of sustainability experts and value chain stakeholders. I am grateful for his inspiring co-leadership as an expert, presenter and (temporary) team member.

Dr. Renè Capote

Dr. Renè Capote

Senior Technical Expert and Co-Facilitator of the Focus Group Environmental Sustainability in Crop Production, GLOBALG.A.P.

With Unity Effect, we have a partner who understands our approach very well and with whom we can tackle impact measurement and management (IMM) for our project in an agile and adaptive way. The regenerative impact measurement approach in particular fits very well with our vision at SEND e.V. Through close collaboration with Unity Effect and their outstanding support, we can learn a lot ourselves to build our own competence and expertise in the IMM area!

Martha Marik

Martha Marik

Project Manager, SEND e.V.


Based on our core principles to empower collaboration and solidarity we aim at a pricing that feels fair and appropriate for both parties. 

Day Rates
EUR +19% VAT

Day rates apply due to the customised nature of this service.

The exact day rate is determined together with the customer, based on what feels fair and appropriate for both parties. 

Book a call to learn more

Contact us to rethink how impact measurement could look like for you and your organisation or network.

The Art of Measuring Change

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What are your associations with words such as “measurement”, “evaluation” or “indicator”? For many people these words sound annoying at best, and there are good reasons for it. Yet it can be a deeply empowering process that reveals hidden opportunities and structural challenges, creating empathy between groups of people. 

The Impact Garden

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The core idea of the Impact Garden is to understand and measure the conditions for systemic change, and to consider how to best contribute to it with one’s available resources. In this article, we lay out the model with its different elements - and how you can start using it today.

Community of Practice on Regenerative Evaluation

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Knowing about the shared desire and need for deliberate exchange about regenerative approaches in evaluation, we founded a Community of Practice (CoP) in the summer of 2023.

Our Resources

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5 min read

The Art of Measuring Change

What are your associations with words such as “measurement”, “evaluation” or “indicator”? For many people these words sound annoying at best, and there are good reasons for it. Yet it can be a deeply empowering process that reveals hidden opportunities and structural challenges, creating empathy between groups of people. 
5 min read

The Impact Garden

The core idea of the Impact Garden is to understand and measure the conditions for systemic change, and to consider how to best contribute to it with one’s available resources. In this article, we lay out the model with its different elements - and how you can start using it today.
5 min read

Community of Practice on Regenerative Evaluation

Knowing about the shared desire and need for deliberate exchange about regenerative approaches in evaluation, we founded a Community of Practice (CoP) in the summer of 2023.