Regenerative Appetisers

Instead of juggling big words and dry concepts, we want to offer you something really tasty in a short period of time – here are our Regenerative Appetisers! We’re sharing hands-on experiences for teams, organisations and leaders striving towards regenerative collaboration, catered to your unique taste.

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Who is it for?

  • Leaders who want to initiate and bring to life internal conversations
  • People in teams, organisations and networks who want to bring sparks of regenerative collaboration to raise curiosity, interest and willingness for change

What’s included?

  • Interactive workshop for participants from your ecosystem (could be a team, organisation or network, suitable for groups of any size)
  • Alignment meeting to understand the intention, setting and need
  • Follow-up and debrief to map out paths for further collaboration


  • 1 week / preparation
  • 1-2 hours / workshop
  • 1 week / follow-up and debrief

Expected Outcome

In a short time frame of 1-2 hours, we will introduce your participants to a collection of concepts, approaches and insights centred around a chosen topic. We aim to provide a balanced buffet of theoretical frameworks, practical examples and exercises to offer something for every taste and learning style. 

To keep preparation and execution time (and therefore budget) to a minimum, we have a dozen tasty topics for you to choose from:

  • Empowering team decision-making: Learn tools & methods to make decision-making more inclusive, efficient & empowering.
  • Trust & team psychological safety: Explore conditions & practices to increase the magic ingredient for effective teamwork: trust.
  • Purpose & values in teams: Gain clarity about your team’s purpose & values and how they can support your daily and strategic work.
  • Giving & receiving feedback: Learn communication practices and approaches for more mindful and effective feedback conversations.
  • Setting boundaries & saying no: Practise setting and respecting boundaries in leadership and teamwork, and learn tools to communicate them.
  • Leading with purpose & values: Develop clarity about your purpose & values and how they can guide you as a leader.
  • Building resilience & handling stress: Develop supportive practices for you and your team to deal with stress and navigate challenges.
  • Digital event design & facilitation: Gain tools & methods to create engaging & efficient online meetings & events.
  • Leadership in a changing and complex world: Equip yourself for wayfinding in a VUCA world (volatile - uncertain - complex - ambiguous). 
  • Peer learning in organisations & networks: Tap into the wealth of knowledge, lived experiences and diverse perspectives that are present within every group.
  • The Impact Garden: Discover a regenerative approach to Theories of Change to create new insights and foster a deeper understanding of your project and work.
  • Rethinking impact measurement: Learn about measurement as an opportunity to foster participation, reveal hidden potential, and better understand how to serve people and the planet.
  • Collaborative Innovation: Explore how corporations, governments, and civil society can co-create ecosystems that foster life-centered innovation supported by regenerative and systems thinking practices.

Book your Regenerative Appetiser

Each input or workshop includes an initial conversation to get to know you and your work, and a tailored follow-up with selected resources from our Living Library. Let us know which Regenerative Appetiser we can serve you.

Fill out this form

Our Approach

Our Regenerative Appetisers are an invitation to rethink our standard ways of doing: at work, at home, in our world at large. We know that change can be tough and frustrating, but we want to explicitly invite the fun, the playfulness and the humanness, without ignoring the challenges. Moving towards regeneration here means moving away from extractive practices in favour of closing loops by composting, recycling, and focusing on the things that matter.

Does that resonate with you?

Through dialogue, we can find the best spots in your team, organisation or network for offering your chosen Regenerative Appetiser. It can be a standalone event, embedded in a process that you’re currently going through, an online meeting during lunch breaks (brown bag session), a small training format, or anything else that suits your needs. Regenerative Appetisers can accompany your team, organisation or network on your path to a deeper and more lasting impact.

However, if you’re really hungry, we would rather propose that we take the time to prepare some proper food (for thought) that nourishes you as well as your team, organisation and ecosystem:

I am absolutely amazed by the work of Unity Effect and this session on building trust in teams is no exception! Within 90 minutes I could learn about concepts and tools for building trust while also connect and have a meaningful personal exchange with another participant while lastly, we co-created a toolbox for building trust in teams. I am very grateful for having had the opportunity to join this session.

Vera Günther

Vera Günther

The work together with Unity Effect has been satisfying, reliable, competent and result-oriented. And will hopefully continue for a long time to come.

Mailin Pährisch

Mailin Pährisch

Consultant, Haus des Stiftens gGmbH

The Unity Effect workshop on Celebrating with your Team online is practical, creative, and fun. Meeting with others who are leading teams or supporting groups through coaching or consulting was wonderful. I came away with ideas and connections with colleagues. I highly recommend the workshop!

Rebecca Johns 2020

Rebecca Johns


Based on our core principles to empower collaboration and solidarity we aim at a pricing that feels fair and appropriate for both parties. 

1 hour workshop
EUR +19% VAT
1.5 hour workshop
EUR +19% VAT
2 hour workshop
EUR +19% VAT

Book your Regenerative Appetiser

Each input or workshop includes an initial conversation to get to know you and your work, and a tailored follow-up with selected resources from our Living Library. Let us know which Regenerative Appetiser we can serve you.

Creating the Conditions for Empowering Feedback

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Giving feedback - and receiving feedback - is a crucial skill for leaders and teams. Yet effective feedback starts before the actual conversation. Here are some of the key conditions which set the stage for a feedback conversation to be empowering for both the giver and receiver.

Building Trust and Psychological Safety in Teams

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Trust and psychological safety are foundational for empowered and effective teamwork. Why are they so important and how can we build them intentionally?

Download: Collective Decision-Making Methods

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In this toolbox we have put together a number of tips and methods for collective decision-making, a key leverage point to share responsibility, decentralise power and unlock the capacity for creativity and innovation in a team.

Case Study: Partnership with FLOCERT

Read more
It is part of our company philosophy to seek strategic and mutually empowering partnerships that go beyond individual projects. FLOCERT is one example.

Our Resources

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5 min read

Creating the Conditions for Empowering Feedback

Giving feedback - and receiving feedback - is a crucial skill for leaders and teams. Yet effective feedback starts before the actual conversation. Here are some of the key conditions which set the stage for a feedback conversation to be empowering for both the giver and receiver.
5 min read

Building Trust and Psychological Safety in Teams

Trust and psychological safety are foundational for empowered and effective teamwork. Why are they so important and how can we build them intentionally?
5 min read

Download: Collective Decision-Making Methods

In this toolbox we have put together a number of tips and methods for collective decision-making, a key leverage point to share responsibility, decentralise power and unlock the capacity for creativity and innovation in a team.
5 min read

Case Study: Partnership with FLOCERT

It is part of our company philosophy to seek strategic and mutually empowering partnerships that go beyond individual projects. FLOCERT is one example.