Peer learning in organisations & networks

Tap into the wealth of knowledge, lived experiences and diverse perspectives that are present within every group. We support you in designing intentional peer-learning formats and processes that enable you to foster ownership in your team, organisation or network.

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Who is it for?

Teams and organisations that seek to integrate peer-learning activities and formats into their work

What’s included?

  • An introduction to peer learning with its different methods and applications
  • Designing and integrating tailored formats into the overall strategy
  • Facilitation and support in developing in-house capacities to host peer-learning activities


The scope and duration span one-off inputs, project-based consultancy, and long-term implementation over multiple years.

Expected Outcome

Setting up or strengthening your internal peer-learning activities can enable your team and organisation to: 

  • Build trust and strengthen internal connections and relationships
  • Continuously learn from one another – crucial for adapting and thriving in a complex world
  • Draw on a range of different methods and tools to drive innovation from within
  • Facilitate effective problem solving
  • Foster idea and knowledge sharing across departments and hierarchies
  • Support shared leadership

Find the right kind of support

Get in touch to identify options to foster peer learning in your organisation or context.

Contact us

Our Approach

To work effectively, peer learning needs guidance and structure. As when developing a new personal habit at an individual level, a careful process of introduction to the team or organisation is needed, based on their specific requirements and cultures.

We do this by:

  • ‍Designing learning journeys, peer-mentoring systems and skill-sharing events which enable peer learning and exchange. 
  • ‍Facilitating sessions for you and your participants, and providing training and support for rotating facilitation systems within the group. 
  • Drawing on our Living Library, where we have consolidated research findings, methods and frameworks, and practical experiences. 
  • Setting up simple and easy-to-use toolboxes and templates for effective peer-learning formats.
  • Integrating selected methods such as buddy systems or coaching circles into your existing internal and external formats.
  • Co-developing a strategy to embed peer learning into your organisation or network, including linking it to your talent development strategy.

The workshop with Unity Effect with our community managers was great! I was very enthusiastic about the relaxed and open-minded atmosphere created by the speakers. I felt like I was in a safe space and we were able to learn a lot from each other's experiences.

Laura Herrmann

Laura Herrmann

Hertie Foundation

We look forward to every exchange, training and consultation by Unity Effect. We appreciate overall the high level of awareness and emotional intelligence of its team members. We are glad that we have met each other. From Unity Effect you can always expect useful and practical impulses.

Frank Liffers

Frank Liffers

junge Stadt Köln e.V.

Together with the Unity Effect team, we piloted the ‘Learning Circle’ peer-learning format with very diverse target groups in 2023. Their broad wealth of experience and great reliability and flexibility to adapt to ever-new contexts were hugely enriching, both for us in the collaboration and for the Learning Circle participants.

Anonymous 4


Academy for International Cooperation, German Development Cooperation (GIZ)


Based on our core principles to empower collaboration and solidarity we aim at a pricing that feels fair and appropriate for both parties. 

Day Rates
EUR +19% VAT

Day rates apply due to the customised nature of this service.

The exact day rate is determined together with the customer, based on what feels fair and appropriate for both parties. 

Find the right kind of support

Get in touch to identify options to foster peer learning in your organisation or context.

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Our Resources

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